Admission Process
Detailed Information for Kindergarten Admission

Admission Process

Information Sessions

We hold school information sessions and individual consultations for prospective families.
We welcome you to join.

On-site Information Sessions

Date and Time

January 26(Sun) 10:30~11:30
February 8(Sat) 10:30~11:30
February 22(Sat) 10:30~11:30


3-4 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo-to
Shibuya Sakura Stage SAKURA Tower 5th floor

*Classroom observation is not available for the Elementary and Middle schools.

Online Information Session

Please register here for the online information session about the entire CTIS, including the kindergarten division.

*Q&A time will also be available.
To participate in this information session, you will need to have Zoom enabled on your PC or smartphone.

For individual consultation

We accept both online and offline. Please feel free to apply.

Application for Admission

You can apply for admission through the form.
After the application, we will contact you for the transfer of the examination fee (35,200 yen).

Criteria for Selection

We will interview the parents and observe the student’s behavior. A comprehensive evaluation of various factors will be made for acceptance or rejection. The parent/guardian interview will be conducted in either Japanese or English. Parents’ English proficiency is not required. Dates and venues will be announced after the application for admission.

Tuition and Fees

Admission fee (payment at admission)


Tuition (annual fee)


Facility maintenance fee (annual fee)


Teaching material fee (annual fee)


*The school lunch fee is not included.
*Other fees will be charged for seasonal outings and the purchase of additional teaching materials.
*Extended care fee: 7:30-8:00/18:00-20:00 JPY550/30 min.

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